After completing my research on excessive drug use and sexually transmitted diseases I have decided to follow the route of a drug addicted Dorian who has a severe infection of the blood, due to drug use and needle sharing, causing his veins to become raised above the face and neck, giving the appearance of varicose veins. However, I want the veins to appear abnormally raised in order to incorporate the style of gothic horror and intentionally look slightly abnormal to enhance the story and ideas. Below is my research surround veins taken from health websites such as NHS.
Varicose Veins:
Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged veins – usually blue or dark purple – that usually occur on the legs. They may also be lumpy, bulging or twisted in appearance. Varicose veins develop when the small valves inside the veins stop working properly. In a healthy vein, blood flows smoothly to the heart. The blood is prevented from flowing backwards by a series of tiny valves that open and close to let blood through. If the valves weaken or are damaged, the blood can flow backwards and collect in the vein, eventually causing it to be swollen and enlarged (varicose). (NHS WEBSITE)

Heroin use:
After regular injections of heroin, the veins begin to collapse. This means that injecting heroin becomes more difficult as the user will have to poke around until they find the vein. This results in lots of bruising around the vein. When injecting the heroin the veins become raised as the drug travels around the body.
Modern interpretations of Veins in makeup:
The vampire diaries:

The makeup produced on this show and the way it has been styled is similar to the way in which I want to focus my design. The redness and the bulging, spidered veins reflect the 'infected' look that i wish to create. I think that The Picture of Dorian Gray does, in a way, reflect the idea of vampires with a gothic horror theme. Vampires are immortal and never age,like Dorian and their wounds heal immediately. They are pleasure seeking creatures, that are rumoured to have no soul and are stunningly beautiful, which is very similar to how Dorian is presented in the book. Due to the vampire hype in the 1990's because of the high media awareness surrounding the AID's epidemic Vampires became a representative of the infection due to sexual desire and intercourse leading to the contamination of blood. Vampires also represent the idea of addiction because of bloodlust which you could say links with Dorian Gray when he kills Basil and his addiction to Opium. I now want to develop my designs that include the veins to represent the internal corruption of Dorian.
Tv Series:
The Vampire Diaries.
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